10 Sachets
10 Sachets

Lemsip Max Cold & Flu Lemon

Save 50p RRP £5.49

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Product info


  • Lemsip Max Cold & Flu Lemon
  • Lemsip Max Cold and Flu Lemon Sachets provide warming comfort and relief from symptoms of cold and flu.
  • The sachets are mixed with hot water to create a soothing hot drink that can help to treat congestion, headaches and sore throats.
  • 10 Sachets
  • Minimum Best Before 01/09/2025


The active substances per sachet are: paracetamol 1000mg and phenylephrine hydrochloride 12,2mg. • The other ingredients are: ascorbic acid, citric acid, sucrose, aspartame, sodium citrate, saccharin sodium, curcumin WD (contains curcumin (E100), Lactose, Polysorbate 80 (E433) and Silica (E551)), caster sugar and lemon flavour

Product Details

  • Best Before: 01/09/2025
  • Weight: 0.300kg
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