1 Litre
1 Litre

Edinburgh Gin Orange & Basil

Save £15.01 RRP £35.00

Maximum 6 per order

  • Delivery to all addresses with a UK Postcode
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Product info


  • Edinburgh Gin Orange & Basil
  • Handcrafted using a blend of traditional gin botanicals mixed with sweet orange peel and fresh basil leaf.
  • The ultimate combo allows for the sweetness from the Valencian orange to perfectly blend with the subtle herbal, basil goodness!
  • The distillers have used both fresh and dried Valencian orange peel resulting in fresh crisp citrus notes that is delicately balanced with subtle sweetness.
  • The fresh basil is vapour infused giving the gin a refined aroma and deliciously smooth and aromatic taste. It truly is a springtime sensation.
  • 1 Litre
  • ABV 40%
  • 18+
  • Please Note: Maximum 6 Bottles per order

Product Details

  • Weight: 1kg
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